POPSUP is the younger sibling of Moo Canoes Ltd, founded in 2012 by Alfie & Katy - Paddlesport coaches who set out to open up London's waterways for everyone. They still head up the team, and the whole Moo Crew will go out of their way to ensure you enjoy your time on the water. Moo Canoes and The Milk Float have become part of the fabric of East London's waterways. The team work closely with @Thames21 @Lowerregentscoalition @londonwaterwaysprojects @stonebridgelockcoalition and @canalrivertrust to protect and improve the environment.
Behing the sceneds the Moo Crew have also adopted two stretches of canal (and helped one of those win a community Green Flag award) and formed two local paddlesport clubs. This non-for-profit work has resulted in the formation of @elcan_cic, a dedicated network linking social and environmental groups. Our partnership with @Poplarunion has enabled us to launch POPSUP and create a focused paddleboarding hub.